Woodbank School

Woodbank School

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Whales, Skiing and more ...

Well have we got lots of news today. Today Melissa and Amelia went to Whale Watch with Ms Nimmo and Evan. We saw 2 whales, 300 dusky dolphins, some seals and 1 albatross. Our favourites were the gorgous dusky dolphins. Gosh they can show off. They jumped and jumped right in front of us, high up in the air.

While the 2 big girls were whale watching, Tanya Jenkins came to speak to the 3 little girls at school about Conservation Week. She bought us 3 new books for our library, some stickers, some leaflets and a colouring in to do. The books are really cool.

Yesterday we went to Mt Lyford skiing. The weather was sometimes a bit snowy and windy. Sometimes snow was falling down. Everyone is very good at skiing now. We had a lot of fun.

1 comment:

Annah Ward said...

What type of whales did you see? I have just been studying the blue whale.